Bring Your Side Hustle to the Forefront with a Custom Website

This is, without a doubt, the age of the side hustle. No wonder! Our nation—indeed, the world—has been thrown into a pandemic panic where working, shopping, even learning and worship are conducted primarily online.
Regardless of your views on masks and the vaxx, one thing we all can agree on is that online is where it’s at. Sure, stay-at-home mandates and closed brick-and-mortars are a drag, but they can also be a boon for online entrepreneurs.
Amazon and Ebay popularized the virtual marketplace long before Zoom meetings and DoorDash dinners became everyday occurrences. But, never before had so many people been working remotely, out of the view of managerial eyes. Which means, it’s time to build a website for your side hustle.
Hustling from Home
The unsupervised nature of working from home has afforded extraordinary opportunities to slip in some side gigs on the sly.
Or, maybe you’re one of the millions of workers who had self-employment thrust upon them due to COVID-induced layoffs, and you’ve since realized it’s time to get real about your self-employed status.
If your own covert work has given you a taste for running the show, maybe it’s time to take your side gig full time.

Make a Go of Your Side Business

If you’re only in it for some quick cash and aren’t interested in the long-term potential of your side hustle, thanks for reading this far. Godspeed, and I wish you all the best.
If, however, you’ve been testing the waters to see if just maybe you could really make a go of it full time, you’re in good company. And, if you really want to shake off the shackles of your 9-to-5, you need a website for your side hustle.
Top 7 Reasons You Need a Website for Your Side Hustle
Building a side hustle website is a powerful way to attract customers and give your business an edge over the competition.
Here’s why:
With a Website...
- Customers immediately recognize you as a legitimate, professional business
- Customers easily find out more information about what you do
- Customers can visit your website at any time of the day or night, even when you’re not personally available
- Customers book your services or click to buy your products—right on your website
- Customers see examples of the work you’ve done before and trust you’ll do the same great work for them
- Customers read positive testimonials from people who have used your services before
- Customers you’ve never even met could find you through internet searches
Without a Website...
- Customers assume you’re just some guy (or girl)
- Customers half-heartedly search for the scrap of paper where they scribbled your name and number
- Customers are restricted by your personal availability to take their call or answer email
- Customers get frustrated when you don’t answer their calls
- Customers wonder why they should use your service instead of booking on your competitor’s website
- Customers ask around to see if any of their friends have heard of you
- People you’ve never met will never know your business exists
Your Website Does the Work of an Entire Office
- Reception – Greets customers and introduces them to your business.
- Marketing – Showcases what you do or what you sell.
- Sales – Displays pricing and lets customers order online.
- Customer Service – Solves customer problems with a troubleshooting guide, FAQ or contact form.

Does It Make Sense to Have a Website for My Side Hustle?
Well, that depends. Are you interested in generating more business, making more money, and breaking free from your 9-to-5? If so, then it makes perfect sense! A side hustle website could be the key to your side hustle success.
Whether you’re a musician or fine artist, tutor or photographer, most any side hustle or freelancing career can benefit from a website. Here are just a few ideas of how you could put your side hustle website to work for you.
- Artists, Photographers & Crafters
- Portfolio of Work
- Works for Sale
- Exhibition Calendar
- Artist Bio
- Contact Form
- Musicians, Bands & Performers
- Event Calendar / Upcoming Shows
- Audio Clips
- Videos of Recent Shows
- Band Member Bios
- Music Downloads
- Merch Sales
- Booking Requests
- Social Media Posts
- Contact Form
- Local Services
(Handyman, Lawn Care, Pool Maintenance, etc.)- Description of Services
- Pricing
- Photos of Work
- Testimonials
- Contact Form
What Should My Side Hustle Website Look Like?
Your side hustle website should be unique, reflecting you, your business and how your product or services meet the needs of potential customers. With that said, your side hustle website should start with a few basics.
Basic Elements of a Side Hustle Website

- URL – A web address that’s uniquely yours and will make it easier for customers to find you online
- Business Name and Logo – A name that clearly communicates what you do, and a logo that complements your brand
- Content – A writeup about your business that tells customers who you are and what you do
- Descriptions & Photos – A gallery of photos to show off what you do or what you have to sell
- Contact Form – A way for customers to let you know they’re interested or to ask a question
Can I Afford a Website for My Side Hustle?
You know the cliches: “You have to spend money to make money,” and, “Can you really afford not to have a website?”
First off, never think of what you do as just a side hustle. Whether you provide products or a service, someone out there needs you to do what you do.
The truth is, Rhema Creative makes it easy and affordable to get your business online with our Side Hustle Web Package.
Designed especially with side hustles in mind, Rhema Creative’s web package gets you started with an affordable one-page website. From there, you can grow your site as your side hustle grows.